President's Message

September 24, 2023

Hello SOHL Members!

I'm looking forward our first skate and start of the season on September 28th 2023. Your executive has been busy since the middle of August with planning and meetings to make this year an enjoyable time of fun hockey and lots of laughs.

I have special thanks to Rick Stephanchew who has been hosting the meetings, Brian Yakimoski for scheduling the seasons games, Marty Robinson for registration, Al Kachkowski, Trevor Kriss, Darren Brautigan, Brian Yakimoski and Todd Moffatt as our player ranking committee.

Also thanks to Gil Jeanson for being the everything captain of our afternoon division. Teams are drafted September 25th and you will be contacted by the captains of the 8 teams after that. Mark in your calendars November 22nd 7pm for the SOHL AGM.

Your executive which includes all team captains run the day to day business of the league but we're a group of 158 guys that all can have a say in the direction of the league. The AGM is the best opportunity for you to share your thoughts or ask questions of the executive. Please join us as we are open to suggestions on how to make the evening and the afternoon divisions as much fun as possible.

See you on the ice soon!
Tod Niblock


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